Introduction: Hide and Seek

  1. Project your tablet screen, open the Blockly app, and go to the menu at the top left of the screen.
  2. Go to the Create New Project menu and select the Hide and Seek preset program. Then tap "create."Hide and Seek
  3. Ask the students to look at the program and predict what they think will happen when it is run.
    • Run the program to see if the students' predictions were correct.
  4. Point to the Repeat Until block in the program and say, "This is a new kind of repeat block. With this block, Dash or Dot will repeat what's inside the loop until a specific event happens."
    • Ask the class, "What action will Dash repeat until there is an Obstacle in Front?" (Sample response: “Dash will look for Dot. Then Dash will move forward.”)
    • Ask the class, “What will happen when Dash sees an Obstacle in Front?"(Sample response: “Dash will look left.”)

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