Minecraft: Building with Bees - Bee Nests

Explore Different Bees Species’ Nesting Sites and Practices!


In this lesson, students will be able to focus on exploring different bees species’ nesting sites and practices and how unique adaptations help bees survive in a variety of settings.


  • Students will be able to list and describe the three types of bee nests.
  • Students will be able to differentiate between physical and behavioural adaptations in bees.
  • Students will be able to describe how disturbances can help and hurt bee nests

Curriculum Connections Summary

  • Ontario - Mathematics - Algebra (Coding) & Science
  • Quebec - Science
  • New Brunswick - Science
  • Nova Scotia - ICT & Science
  • Alberta - CTF & Science
  • British Columbia - ADST & Science
  • Manitoba - Science
  • Prince Edward Island - Science
  • Saskatchewan - Science
  • Newfoundland & Labrador - Science
  • Yukon Territories - Follow's B.C.'s Curriculum
  • Northwest Territories - Follows Alberta's Curriculum
  • Nunavut - Follows Alberta's Curriculum

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Minecraft Education
Minecraft Education

A game-based learning platform that promotes creativity, collaboration, and problem-solving in an immersive digital environment.