mBot: The Magic Box (Grade 3-4)
In this lesson, students will be introduced to variables. A variable can store and modify information and data. There are some built-in Variables blocks, for example, the “light intensity” Sensing block and the “answer” Sensing block. There exists a category called “Variables”, where students can create variables to store several data collected from, e.g., the “light intensity” and “answer.” Students will explore and experiment with the built-in Variables blocks and use them to create interesting projects.
- Understand the basic features of variables that a variable can store and contain different information and the information can be referred and modified later.
- Create looping and conditional algorithms with variables to develop interactive computing artifacts.
Curriculum Connections Summary
- Ontario - Mathematics - Algebra (Coding) & Science
- Quebec - Science
- New Brunswick - Science
- Nova Scotia - Science & ICT
- Alberta - Science & ICT
- British Columbia - Science & ADST
- Manitoba - Science
- Prince Edward Island - Science
- Saskatchewan - Science
- Newfoundland & Labrador - Science
- Yukon Territories - Follow's B.C.'s Curriculum
- Northwest Territories - Follows Alberta's Curriculum
- Nunavut - Follows Alberta's Curriculum
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mbot is the best of both worlds, transitioning students from Scratch Blocks to Text Code