mBot: Sequencing Basics (Grade 5-6)
In this lesson, students will be introduced to the concepts of algorithms and sequencing where they will design sequential algorithms. In Phase 1, students will use Motion and Looks blocks to program a walk of a character sprite in the stage of mBlock. In Phase 2, students will compare a group of programs to have a look at some of the basic blocks (such as “Action”, “Show”, “LightSound”). These blocks will be used to program mBot in the next phase. Students will be invited to develop a sequencing algorithm to make mBot dance.
- Explain the meaning of sequencing in programming.
- Create appropriate programming scripts to make a sprite or mBot perform a simple action.
- Demonstrate the importance of the sequence that a well-defined sequential algorithm affects the execution of programs.
Curriculum Connections Summary
- Ontario - Mathematics - Algebra (Coding) & Science
- Quebec - Science
- New Brunswick - Science
- Nova Scotia - Science & ICT
- Alberta - Science & ICT
- British Columbia - Science & ADST
- Manitoba - Science
- Prince Edward Island - Science
- Saskatchewan - Science
- Newfoundland & Labrador - Science
- Yukon Territories - Follow's B.C.'s Curriculum
- Northwest Territories - Follows Alberta's Curriculum
- Nunavut - Follows Alberta's Curriculum
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mbot is the best of both worlds, transitioning students from Scratch Blocks to Text Code