mBot: mBot's Gifts (Gr. 3-4)


In this lesson, students will imagine their story context of the Robot Society and then create a simple animation to deliver their ideas. In connection to the story context of an mBot delegation was sent to the Robot Society and held the first meeting with robot citizens there. In this lesson, students will imagine and create gifts for the Robot Society to show friendship. This is a two day lesson.


  • Define the sequences of the two (or more) sprites and logically order programming scripts to generate simple animated effects.
  • Utilize appropriate looping algorithms to reduce repetitive parts of the program and make it clear and easy to read and write.

Curriculum Connections Summary

  • Ontario - Mathematics - Algebra (Coding) & Science
  • Quebec - Science
  • New Brunswick - Science
  • Nova Scotia - Science & ICT
  • Alberta - Science & ICT
  • British Columbia - Science & ADST
  • Manitoba - Science
  • Prince Edward Island - Science
  • Saskatchewan - Science
  • Newfoundland & Labrador - Science
  • Yukon Territories - Follow's B.C.'s Curriculum
  • Northwest Territories - Follows Alberta's Curriculum
  • Nunavut - Follows Alberta's Curriculum

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mbot is the best of both worlds, transitioning students from Scratch Blocks to Text Code