First LEGO League Ontario Grade 8

FIRST LEGO League in Your Classroom!

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Course Objectives

Logics Academy, in partnership with FIRST Robotics Canada is pleased to offer this course to achieve curriculum based learning objectives in an engaging, inquiry based, and experiential way. This method of delivery has proven to improve engagement, retention, and deeper understanding of core math, science and language knowledge and skills.

The EV3 robotics platform is a great tool to allow students to discover, design, and display their knowledge of curriculum learning goals. Students also gain important coding skills along the way that will prepare them for the future. Through this course, students will gain experiences that relate to their mathematics and science curriculum objectives that they can draw upon throughout the year.

Through this course, a student can progress with no background in programming an EV3 Robot to confidently participate as part of a team in a FIRST LEGO League event.


Course Description

This course consists of eight lessons that begin with the building of the educational robot, and end with a culminating challenge. The lessons can be run independently, but work best in succession to progressively build upon and develop coding & problem-solving skills for students of varying degrees of familiarity with programming an EV3 robot. Each lesson teaches the student a new coding tool, which is then used to demonstrate, or discover the curriculum based learning objectives.

The coding portion of the lessons will teach students to control a robot to stop at an object, move in a controlled manner, use sensors to follow a line, and finally create a board game which tests their overall proficiency.

The curriculum based objectives in each lesson have a common mathematics thread, but specific lessons also touch on many core sciences and language learning objectives as well. An activity sheet guides the students through the curriculum investigation, and asks them thoughtful questions about their journey.

All resources are provided for complete lesson delivery, including lesson plan, building instructions, and student activity sheets. In addition to the LEGO EV3 educational kit and software, you will need a few common items such as chart paper, markers, masking tape, electrical tape, elastics, string, and scissors.

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