Dash & Dot: Dash’s World Adventure (Gr. 4)
Dash criss-crosses the map in this fun lesson on geography, creative writing, and mathematics. Students will create or finish a creative story telling of Dot and Dash’s adventures in traveling the world. Students will measure distances and estimate angles in order to program the robots to move, flash, and make sounds to act out their story.
- Create a short piece of creative writing
- Take measurements of angles and distances between points on a map.
- Identify major physical components of the world (i.e. oceans, continents, and equator), locating them on the map visually and using longitude and latitude.
- Present a piece of writing to the class.
- Learn how programming can be an avenue for creative expression.
- Use a map key to find the real distances between points on a map.
Lesson Procedure
- Class 1: Writing Challenge (30 minutes)
- Class 2: Measuring and programming challenges (30 minutes)
- Class 3: Presentations (30 minutes)
Curriculum Connections Summary
- Ontario - Mathematics - Algebra (Coding), Social Studies & Language
- Quebec - Mathematics, Social Studies & Language
- New Brunswick - Social Studies & Language
- Nova Scotia - Mathematics, Language & ICT
- Alberta - Social Studies, Language & ICT
- British Columbia - Social Studies & ADST
- Manitoba - Language
- Prince Edward Island - Mathematics & Social Studies
- Saskatchewan - Mathematics
- Newfoundland & Labrador - Mathematics
- Yukon Territories - Follow's B.C.'s Curriculum
- Northwest Territories - Follows Alberta's Curriculum
- Nunavut - Follows Alberta's Curriculum
Robots and Accessories
Other Supplies
- Multiple Large World Maps (ideally one per group of students)
- Rulers
- Sticky putty or tape for labels
- Tablets - (See Compatible Devices)
Find Out More
Open their eyes to how the world works, coding ideas into adventures.
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- Tablet Compatibility
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