Codey Rocky Curriculum Bundle
Access to Learn to Code and Code to Learn Cross Curricular lessons aligned to Canadian Provincial Curriculum Standards
Content Included:
Codey Rocky: Sequences D1 Wink, Wink
Codey Rocky: Sequences D2: Artist
Codey Rocky - Loops D3: Squares
Codey Rocky - Loops D4: All Shapes and Sizes
Codey Rocky - Events E1: Making Sweet Music
Codey Rocky - Events E2: Dance Party
Codey Rocky - Conditionals E3: Wake Up!
Codey Rocky - Conditionals E4: Watch Out!
Codey Rocky - Functions F1: Hello World!
Codey Rocky - Functions F2: Dance Party 2
Codey Rocky - Variables F3: Faster!
Codey Rocky - Variables F4: Battle Bots

Codey Rocky - Teacher Guide
Complete guide for setting up Codey Rocky in your Classroom
Codey Rocky: The Power of Variables in Patterns (Grade 4-5)
Codey Rocky: Sports Game Predictor (Grade 6-8)
Codey Rocky: Rocky ‘n’ Roll Music (Grade 4-6)
Codey Rocky: The Dance Instructor (Grade 4-6)
Codey Rocky: Canada’s Global Interactions Trivia (Grade 5-6)
Codey Rocky: Cellular Functions (Grade 7-8)
Codey Rocky: Hot Codey, Pass it On! (Grade 7-8)
Codey Rocky: Do the Wave! (Grade 4-5)
Codey Rocky: The Lay of Our “Home and Native” Land (Grade 4-6)
Codey Rocky: Dr. Codey Rocky (Grade 5-6)
Codey Rocky: Ecosystems Interactions (Grade 7-8)
Codey Rocky: Lost in Translation (Grade 7-8)
Codey Rocky: Weather Reporter Panda (Basics) (Gr. 5-7)
Codey Rocky: Weather Reporter Panda (Advanced) (Gr. 6-8)
Codey Rocky: Artificial Intelligence (Basics) (Gr. 5-7)
Codey Rocky: Artificial Intelligence (Advanced) (Gr. 6-8)
Codey Rocky: The Secret of Codey Rocky (Gr. 3-5)
Codey Rocky: Changing Emotions (Gr. 3-5)
Codey Rocky: Animation Designer (Gr. 3-5)
Codey Rocky: Identify the Bug (Gr. 3-5)
Codey Rocky: My Speedway (Gr. 7-8)
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Find Out More
Write your first line of code!
Codey Rocky combines hardware with software, allowing children to learn about programming while they play and create. Using mBlock, a software which supports both blocked-based and Python programming, Codey Rocky takes children by their hands and leads them into the world of technology with its in-built AI and IoT functionalities, giving them a competitive edge in the AI era.