Activity Extensions

Activity Extensions

Students can:

  • Incorporate Dot into their programming with Dash.
  • Write a persuasive pitch about their innovation.
  • Share their persuasive pitch and a video of their accessory/program with government officials.
  • Compare and contrast how their accessories and programs address universal problems around the world.
  • Arrange a Dash Innovation Event in which they share their accessories and programs with other students in the school.
  • Research a particular schoolwide problem to find out how other schools are handling it.
  • Research robots in the real world and how they are used to solve problems.
  • Create two different presentations leveled to a specific-aged audience (e.g., primary and intermediate students) to teach them about this project.
  • Skype with experts in the field (e.g., local scientists, artists, or politicians) to gather various perspectives and information related to real-world problems.
  • Create a pencil/paper or online poster to explain how their innovation works.

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