
  1. Discuss how important it is to understand other people’s struggles in order to identify real-world problems.
    • What types of problems affect us ALL in some way, even if it does not appear so directly (e.g., litter, healthy food options)?
    • Use examples from historical or current examples (e.g., civil rights movements, wildlife conservation).
  2. Have students explore different types of real-world problems.
    • Have them research current news events, which may inspire their thinking in regard to real-world problems
    • Have them watch Robotic Hands Solving Problems and discuss how robotics can improve life in the real-world.
  3. Ask the class, “What kinds of problems affect the world around us?”
    • Select student volunteers to call out a few example problems (e.g., physical disabilities, homelessness, obesity, natural disasters, lack of natural resources).
  4. Work with the class to brainstorm similar real-world problems. List the problems on the whiteboard or poster paper.
    • Try to avoid smaller personal problems and urge students to consider more universal problems that stem from larger social or emotional injustices.
    • Do not judge ideas as good or bad at this time.
    • Once you've gotten all ideas written down, read them aloud.
  5. Discuss possible accessories that students could design for Dash to help solve some of the identified problems.
    • Could Dash use a handle to help people with disabilities across the street?
    • Could Dash deliver snacks and food to people who are hungry?
  6. Discuss how students could program Dash to demonstrate the accessory.
    • Could you use a function to have Dash raise the handle for people to grab?
    • Could you use a variable so that Dash knows when to go back and get more snacks?

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